Catalogue of Useful Inventions for Cotton Spinners, Manufacturers and for all textile trades

Correspondence from James Spratt regarding lightning conductors

General arrangement drawing no 11322

Hoarding and anticipating carriages.

An edition of 'The Photogram' journal vol. 2 no. 17
Foulsham and Banfield Ltd Collection

Railway Signal Volume 3 (1885)
Letter from John Dixon discussing steam tests and experiments on the Stockton and Darlington Railway
Ship plan: General arrangement of paddle steamer 'Ranger'
Folder of photos entitled '12 Wembley Snapshots'
Letter from August Wilhelm von Hofmann, Royal College of Chemistry, to W. Crookes Esq.
Manuscript maps of the earth projected on a regular dodecahedron and on a regular tetrahedron
Plates from 'Naval Architecture'
Architectural drawings for building for the International Exhibition of 1862
Arrangement drawings of ship 'Lord Warden'
Engineering drawing: International Exhibition 1862; Machinery Department; Chimney for Boiler House

Store variable selectors. Superseding drawing No 2.

Motion for carrying the tens, plus and minus.

Untitled plan and elevation. Incomplete.

Adding column with motion for changing from plus to minus. Incomplete.

Untitled. A model of six cages was made from this drawing. Incomplete.

Improved table for shaping machine.

Hoarding carriage.

Detailed sketches of moving parts. Untitled.

Circular half zero carriage. Plans No. 8 - 10.

Untitled details. Incomplete.

Untitled details. Incomplete.

My Machine 1888 II Plan of driving cams, levers, etc. in initial position.

My Machine 1889 III Development of driving cams.

Temporary staging

Drawing of 0-6-0 Engine

Locking motions for carriage column.

Untitled, showing details of parts, including figure wheel to receive addition.

Untitled. Shows details of mill and store racks, and breaking and making chains.

Untitled pencil layout, includes mill racks.

Untitled sketches of various machine parts such as carriage, store rack, warning arm, wedges bars and tens warning slides. Plans and elevations.

Untitled. Probably a plan and elevation of mill rack connections.

Half zero details including warning plate.

Probably a plan and elevation showing store and mill racks.

Details of circular pattern half zero. Incomplete.

Untitled. [Drawings of cams]

Drawing entitled 'Sectional Drawing for a Steel Protected Cruiser for Colonial Defence to be named'

Drawing entitled 'Sheer Drawing for a Steel Protected Crusier for Colonial Defence to be named'

Rising platform and selectors for variable columns in store one to each half of store. Quarter size.

General plan of the Analytical Engine, half size.

Print apparatus as made in the large model.

Probably a plan of carriage and figure columns.

Plan of motion for carriage slide.